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Image by Andrey Zvyagintsev

goddess consciousness

Are you feeling *stuck?* Unable to see how to change the circumstances and clinging into repetitive spiritual "truths" that feel as if they hold no true life transforming guidance FOR YOU... leaving you with a badge to attach to the chaos you've already given into. The readings you receive are just an extension of all the information you are DESPERATE to know because you have not trusted your goddess given knowledge by the ALL THAT IS in years... sometimes decades...

and this is why you are here.. because deep down you know nothing else works until YOU do.


And that is not until you expose every little thing you've been clinging to create the experience you are operating RIGHT NOW.

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✾ Goddess Aya ✾

My relation to spirit had changed over the years. It started with growing up in a religious hosuehold and then moving towards astrology, card readings, predictions. Although I use cards to this day, the energetic which I held back then was not truly benefitting me. I am now connected to a different source of power... Once I had inside all along. The goddess who is open to receive the god's words. desires. commands. All given by myself (a part of divinity) to myself (the creator). I have my guides whispering information in my ears, and just as I do you do too. My whole belief in this business is that everything you need is already inside you and if you are here at a core level you know that is the truth, you simply did not access it.. yet. And that is where I come in, with a gentle yet precise energetic frequency that can direct you towards unfolding completely into your actual truth. I am no longer begging and crying to god as I know god is in me.. through me.. speaking by me... wanting, desiring, loving.. all by me. And that is what I desire to wake up to every day and that is the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality I see my clients waking up to every. single. day.

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-18 at
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I offer you in my mentorships/readings the exposure of the repetitive broken compass of others you've been following instead of your own power & knowing. And after you know.. there is no going back if you choose to commit to the process. Be aware- this will create a huge change if you are commited to nothing but... yourself ;) 

✾ the door to transformation - exposure 1:1  ✾

Welcome, lovely. This is the session in which you are stepping back into your true self, your goddess knowledge all given graciously by the god within. Where you step into your own energetic power you have tried to find elsewhere. Where you find your answers or the continuation of your journey. We explore your true desires, true beliefs, true embdiment of your divine state as we break through the veil and chaos that had been trapping your access to your truth. It starts here. This is an invitation to immediate change... Let yur courage be bigger than your fear.


then we can truly start playing.


Readings are given on zoom/skype/ facetime. Readings can be recorded.





Image by Blake Cheek
Image by Joshua Sortino

✾ The unfolding process ✾

Hello lovely.. This is you taking the step to your fully unfoldment. Your journey into the physical truly begins here. You are emptying all the patterns, all the should and have to's, all the distortion and all the things you have done through auto pilot. You dip into the truth of who you are inside.. finally. You take action based on those truths, every single day..  it will not look as you think it will. it will not taste as you thing it will. It will be ten thousand times better if you are willing to submit to the process fully.. to yourself. Your process never was anything but listening within and taking the steps to greatness. Allow me to support you as you step into a newfound way of being.


Monthly mentorship will include access to me 2 times a month through 1:1 sessions. It will include voxer access throughout this month and a private facebook group as well for support from women who share the same you do.


3 month mentorship will include 3 sessions a month, access on voxer and a private facebook group along with the full unfolding of your next level genius.


Mentorship for one month: 350 USD


mentorship for 3 months: 1500 USD



 âœ¾ Short psychic/in depth readings âœ¾

This is a reading for women who are focused more about the experience they are currently having. You need a guide through the actual truths of YOUR frequency. The experiene holds jewels for you to see where you are standing. Where you are operating from. and where you can shift, if you are only choose to do so. 


Price: 75USD


Image by Jen Theodore
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Image by Thanh Tam

Release. Be. Enjoy. Have fun. Return back home.

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